Saturday, November 29, 2008


Maybe I was thinking a little wrong.
I was thinking Wilson did this on his own.
Not exactly. I don’t know exactly how he came up with the idea, but he did.
That part was on his own.

Then he did get the Board of Commissioners to approve implementation, during the budget process.

That might complicate things, just a tiny bit. But, this ‘kennel inspection’ is supported by no law or ‘ordinance’, even. It is a ‘policy’ that contravenes state law. As such, it can be discontinued at any time.

The Board of Commissioners has no legal authority to approve or disapprove such.
There is no authority granted by law to do this.

I suppose the sheriff’s dept is bound to enforce county ordinances, but I’m also assuming no one is expected to enforce local ordinances that contravene state law. Well, if you do, then you are an outlaw, just like the rest of them. Violating state law to enforce county ordinances that are created without authority to do so is not an enviable position to be in. jmho

I don’t know your relationship with our prosecutor, but I suspect you will also be guilty of doing whatever he says. He is wrong on this issue. If you want to drop everything and run and ask him, he will tell you I am wrong. I would suggest you use your position to request an opinion from the current attorney general via our State Representative and/or our State Senator. They are tired of hearing from me. The law is there, the attorney general opinion is there. I have asked if that opinion is still valid. I have asked if that opinion was made obsolete (as Colbry states). They have not answered and/or they have sent requests to the Attorney General and he sees no reason to answer a question that has already been answered. As sheriff, you may have better luck. They see no reason to answer to a lonely citizen.

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